“It is disappointing that congestion pricing was paused right on the verge of its implementation, after nearly two decades of advocacy and deep technical and policy analysis. But now is not the time to move on from it; rather we can build on the momentum created by the hard work of the policymakers, civil servants, advocates, and key stakeholders who recognized the necessity of equitable contributions from drivers to mitigate traffic congestion and air pollution. There is more work to be done to demonstrate why congestion pricing is the best available intervention to reduce traffic congestion, fund transit, support the economy and lower-income New Yorkers, and improve the region’s quality of life. Every example of major new policies with diffused benefits around the world shows that public support drops up until implementation and then climbs dramatically once people see the benefits of the new policy. However, it is still crucial to do as much as we can to address concerns and prove that congestion pricing is a pragmatic and effective solution with real benefits for the city, the region, and the state as a whole.”

– Mike Flynn and Melvin Wah, AICP
Source: SamSchwartz.com

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