To replace the now-shuttered COVID-19 FHV License Storage Program, the TLC has introduced a new, short-term for-hire vehicle (FHV) license storage program, called the “Short-Term FHV License Storage Program. This program permits active licensees to put their FHV license in storage once during every two-year license term, for up to 90 days. The program is meant to help licensees traveling overseas for an extended period and those having issues with their vehicles.

To place a vehicle into storage, an application must be filed with the TLC. All suspensions must be cleared, and all fines and fees must be paid. Plates must be surrendered to the DMV within 60 days prior to the storage date. While the FHV license is in storage, the TLC will not enforce insurance or inspection requirements. Any FHV license not taken out of storage within the 90-day timeframe will be subject to a $300 fine and suspension. FHV licenses remaining in the COVID-19 FHV License Storage Program after it ended Aug. 31, were not automatically transferred over to the new Short-Term FHV Storage Program.

Source: NYC TLC

Article by Black Car News

Black Car News provides breaking news, editorial, and information to drivers, owners, and other key players in the New York City for-hire vehicle industry.

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