If you have specific TLC questions, please refer to the following list:
- Enforcement: enforcement@tlc.nyc.gov
- Vehicle Inspections: inspections@tlc.nyc.gov
- Taxi Improvement Fund: tift@tlc.nyc.gov
- Medallion Relief Program: mrp@tlc.nyc.gov
- Owner Driver Resource Center: driversupport@tlc.nyc.gov
- Public Testimony on TLC Rules: tlcrules@tlc.nyc.gov
- Driver Protection Unit: driverprotection@tlc.nyc.gov
- Licensing: licensinginquiries@tlc.nyc.gov
- Drug Testing: tlccompliance@tlc.nyc.gov
- Medallion Hardship Vehicle Retirement Extension: vre@tlc.nyc.gov
- Settlement Requests: settlements@tlc.nyc.gov
- Driver Education Requirements: education@tlc.nyc.gov
- Plate/Vehicle Transfers: fhvtransfers@tlc.nyc.gov
- Lease to Own Vehicle Applications: tlcfhvconditional@tlc.nyc.gov