In March, the NYC Taxi & Limousine Commission (TLC) announced its app-hail fleet surpassed two million (2.05M) electric vehicle (EV) rides for the first time – roughly doubling January’s 1.08M EV trips. Since November 2023, monthly EV trips have seen a fivefold increase – up from 362K. Wheelchair accessible vehicle (WAV) trips have also seen a notable upsurge. March 2024 saw the most rideshare WAV trips in the TLC’s history, with 1.9 million – a 32% increase from March 2023.

According to the TLC, EV trips from January through March 2024 saved about 6,500 metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in completing more than 25 million trip miles. In practical terms, that is equivalent to about:

  • One year’s worth of emissions from 1,500 gas-powered passenger cars
  • Carbon sequestered by 107K tree seedlings for about 10 years
  • Emissions from 731K gallons of gasoline
  • Emissions from 7,163,500 pounds of coal burned

“When our city set out to make Green Rides a reality, trading sustainability for accessibility was not an option – and that’s the balance we have struck,” said TLC Commissioner David Do. “With the most EV and WAV trips in our history in the same month, we are proving that ambitious strategies can produce historic results and making this a more livable city for all.”

More resources and info about EVs and charging can be found at

Article by Black Car News

Black Car News provides breaking news, editorial, and information to drivers, owners, and other key players in the New York City for-hire vehicle industry.

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