Intersections in New York City are getting smarter with sensors, signals and cameras that track pedestrian and vehicle traffic. The NYC Department of Transportation has installed and upgraded hundreds of intersections with measures that include traffic calming to crosswalks that give pedestrians a head start.

The technology continues to evolve, with cameras and networks monitoring vehicles and road conditions. CARMERA, a street technology company based at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, is helping create maps that will aid in the operation of autonomous vehicles. The company uses sensors and cameras mounted on vehicles. It also shares the anonymous data with planning agencies and some municipalities.

Several leading car manufacturers include cameras on their models. The information is sometimes submitted to companies in the evolving industry and helps create maps and real-time traffic information.


Article by Black Car News

Black Car News provides breaking news, editorial, and information to drivers, owners, and other key players in the New York City for-hire vehicle industry.

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