Dr. Shengke Zeng from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently published a paper titled “Security Cameras in Taxicabs with Three Rows of Seating” in the International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics. Security dashcams are widely used to deter crimes against drivers in vehicles with two rows of seating. Some cameras don’t perform as well if there are three rows of seats due to the increased distance between the camera and the third-row seats.

This project tested five security cameras with different image-sensor pixel counts to determine their utility for three-row-seating taxicabs. Based on the test results, this paper proposes:

  • For facial identification in the third row, a dome-camera with a standard-definition image-sensor is effective in maintaining high camera resolution with relatively small video data file size.
  • For facial identification in the third row, windshield-mounted security cameras with at least 1280×720 pixel image-sensors.
  • Windshield-mounted security cameras with either single or dual standard-definition image-sensors are not recommended for use in three-row-seating taxicabs due to their low camera resolution in the third-row seats.

Among the cameras tested, only the dome-mounted camera during daylight met the monochrome camera resolution requirement for computer facial recognition.

Source: IATR

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