Golf man putting on green for birdie while on vacation
The Limousine Association of New Jersey (LANJ) will hold its 3rd Annual Golf Outing on Monday September 16 (11:00am – 7:00pm) at the Cherry Valley Country Club, 125 Country Club Drive, Skillman, NJ 08558.
Those interested in registering are urged to email patricia.nelson103@gmail.com. Cost is: $195 for individual golfers and $780 for a foursome. Participation includes a round of golf, use of a golf cart and all fees – plus lunch, unlimited beverages while golfing, cocktails and a barbecue supper. The outing will commence with registration and “Lunch to Go” at 11:00am and conclude with cocktails and a barbecue supper at 5:00pm. The shotgun start will be at noon.
Anyone who would like to attend the event but not play golf, a cocktails and barbecue supper-only option also is available for $75.
Full payment in advance is required to secure registration for the event.
As in the two previous years, a portion of the day’s proceeds will fund contributions to the Covenant House New Jersey and Police Unity Tour and the National Law Enforcement Officers’ Memorial.
Sponsorship opportunities are now offered to operator, affiliate and vendor members. Choose a hole sponsorship for just $300 and have your company name and logo on prominent signage at the golf clubhouse entrance and at one hole as well as repeated recognitions online and in print promotion before, at and after the event.
Golf Outing Committee chair Joe Gulino (jgulino@gemlimo.com/ 732.312.3021) is offering details on the other promotion choices, such as Host Sponsor, Beverage Cart Sponsor, Welcome Gift Sponsor and more.
Source: LANJ