Retro radio on light background

This is my third installment of “RadioActive” because this aspect of my job is ever-changing and continues to be informative and interesting.

Some aspects of “RadioActive” have stayed the same – like listening to the traffic and weather reports on 880 WCBS AM and 1010 WINS AM to stay current on the roads and skies. The radio programs I mention here are not endorsements… they just happen to be the ones I listen to because I find them very informative.

The Other Side of Midnight

Over the last couple of years, I have become an avid listener of WABC radio during the week and on weekends. I enjoy listening to Frank Morano, who hosts from 1:00am to 5:00am, when I often start my shift. Frank has interesting commentary, interviews interesting people, and has two segments I have participated in that make the radio program fun and “RadioActive.”

“The Thousand Dollar Minute” is a 60 second trivia game where a caller calls in and, if he or she can answer 10 trivia questions in 60 seconds, they win $1,000.

Some of the answers given by callers have been hilarious. One caller was asked, “In what city is the Empire State Building located?” The caller said “Albany.” Amazing!

Another caller did not know how many letters are in the American alphabet. Wow!

I called into the Thousand Dollar Minute (to be RadioActive) and I only answered four answers correctly. I did not know that Chloe Kardashian was the wealthiest Kardashian!

Every morning, just before 5:00am when the show ends, Frank Morano welcomes callers to get their “15 Seconds of Fame.” Callers can say anything they want, as long as it is not too vulgar. I called in to suggest Frank interview Duck Wolf, who created Law & Order, or Chuck Lorre, who is behind such current comedy classics as “Two and a Half Men” and “The Big Bang Theory.” Frank liked my suggestions and said he may consider them. We’ll see…

Demiski & Doyle

On weekday afternoons from 2:00-7:00pam on 101.5 FM, WQXW, I like to listen to the New Jersey talk radio station because they give good traffic reports and I like being “RadioActive” by calling into the Aditi sky & Doyle show. They ask questions like, “Have you ever been in a road rage incident?” I have.

The point of this Street Story is that it is totally educational, fun and definitely interesting to be “RadioActive” by listening to and contributing to discussions on the radio. Besides getting important and relevant traffic and weather reports, it can catapult you to stardom by being heard be millions on the radio air waves!

Weekend Education & Entertainment

On Saturday mornings, I like listening to National Public Radio at 11:00am for “Wait, Wait; Don’t Tell Me,” the weekly radio new quiz. I learn a lot from this program and it’s very funny. People call in to participate.

Saturday afternoons, I enjoy listening to “The Moth,” which is basically a story telling hour. There are no call-in opportunities for this.

Sundays from 11:00am to 6:00pm, I enjoy listening to Bloomberg Business News Radio, where they re-broadcast the Sunday morning political television shows Face the Nation, Meet The Press and This Week with George Stehanopoulos. I find this interesting to listen to various politicians avoid questions and tell fibs. There are no call-in opportunities for this, either.

Article by RH Stovall, Jr

R.H. Stovall, Jr. is a Senior Executive Chauffeur, trainer and mentor for Royal Coachman Worldwide in Denville, NJ.

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