New data, released in June during the first week of Pride Month 2022, revealed that 66% of travel programs do not provide special considerations for LGBTQ+ travelers. The findings came from a Business Travel Show Europe poll of 229 European travel managers.
More than one-quarter of programs do make provision for the LGBTQ+ community, the poll found – and a further 8% plan to do so before the year’s end – but, when compared to other historically underrepresented groups, the LGBTQ+ community appears to be the least well provided for.
“According to the ONS, an estimated 2.7% of British people over 16 identified as LGB in 2019, an increase of 2.2% year on year. It’s estimated a further 200,000-500,000 people in the UK are trans. Yet, these communities are subject to a disproportionate amount of abuse and hate crime,” said BTN Group Executive Vice President Louis Magliaro. “Many African, Middle Eastern and Caribbean countries feature among the worst, but you may be shocked to see the United States rates just 24th. This is why it’s so important that any company with travelers among the LGBTQ+ community is proactively protecting them and ensuring their duty of care for every second they are traveling under their watch.”
Source: FTN News