A new study, which analyzed data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Motor Vehicle Crash Data Querying and Reporting system from 2017 to 2021, found that New Jersey tops the list of states where pedestrians are most at risk of being killed in car crashes. The study focused on pedestrian deaths as a proportion of total traffic fatalities over the five-year period.

Out of the 3,030 total traffic deaths recorded in New Jersey during the study period, 916 were pedestrians. This means that 30.23% of all traffic fatalities in New Jersey involved pedestrians, the highest percentage in the nation. Hawaii came in second, with pedestrians accounting for 27.01% of its traffic deaths; California ranked third, with 19,666 total traffic fatalities in the state, of which 5,050 were pedestrians. New York came in fourth, with 1,310 pedestrian deaths out of 5,106 total traffic fatalities – making up 25.66% of all traffic deaths in the state.

Source: Injured In Florida

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