New Jersey Governor Chris Christie says 15 service areas along the New Jersey Turnpike and Garden State Parkway are in line for renovation or replacement. Christie said HMS Host and Sunoco have agreed to invest $250 million to upgrade those rest stops in exchange for contracts to operate food and fuel concessions on those toll roads for 25 years.

“Most of these facilities look old and outdated, and they look outdated because they are. Most of them were constructed back in the 1950s, particularly the ones on the Turnpike, and quite frankly for a long time they needed to be modernized to present day standards.”

The governor said it’s a once-in-a-generation opportunity for a public-private partnership.

“This agreement will provide drivers with the safest, cleanest, most modern highway rest stops up and down the Turnpike and Parkway without spending any of their tax or their toll dollars to get it done.”

Work on the first two new service area buildings will begin next year with all construction expected to be complete by 2024. During the renovations, some rest areas may be closed.

Source: NewsWorks


Article by Michele Norton
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