According to the Livery Round Table (LRT), livery bases have been receiving a directive from the NYC Taxi & Limousine Commission (TLC), requiring them to provide their Workers’ Compensation Certificate and Certificate of Membership in the New York Livery Fund. To ease the process, the LRT says it posts all membership certificates at: Just click on “Click here for Membership Certificates for all Current Members” to search for your certificate by base name or base number.

“If your certificate is not contained therein, then your membership in the Livery Fund is not current,” the LRT noted. “You should then confirm that you paid your dues for 2024. If your membership has lapsed, then it is your obligation to ensure that you take all steps to comply with the workers’ compensation law.”

Livery Fund bases must upload their trip records on a monthly basis to the Livery Fund’s trip record portal, located on the LRT website. The Livery Fund says it will conduct “a random audit of any livery base that fails to register an account or fails to upload their records for two or more consecutive months.” If a member does not cooperate with the audit, the base risks cancellation of their membership.

Questions can be directed to Steven Shanker, LRT’s Executive Director or (212) 257-1444.

Article by Black Car News

Black Car News provides breaking news, editorial, and information to drivers, owners, and other key players in the New York City for-hire vehicle industry.

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