The Livery Roundtable (LRT) and Livery Base Owners Association (LBOA) have met with multiple Taxi & Limousine Commission (TLC) commissioners over the years, requesting an amendment to the TLC’s rigid in-vehicle camera requirements. They say they simply wanted livery drivers to be able to purchase and install superior cameras that cost one-fifth the price of those currently required. The requirement dates back to 1992, compelling drivers to deal with TLC technical specifications that the LRT called “needlessly specific” and “long-since outdated due to decades of advances in technology.”

Then they met with Albany legislators, Assembly Member Jenifer Rajkumar and Senator Roxanne J. Persaud, who reportedly “greeted us with open arms, open ears, and above all, an action plan!” The legislators drafted Camera Bills S.2379 (Persaud)/A.2806-A (Rajkumar), which sets a floor of minimum requirements but does not limit cameras to be a specific brand or vendor. Before both bills could pass, the LRT received a letter from the TLC affirming that the TLC intends to eliminate the mandatory requirement on standard livery vehicles (not SHLs). The letter also stated that those wishing to install a camera for their safety would be permitted to do so with no specific requirement regarding the camera they choose.

“Assembly Member Jenifer Rajkumar and Senator Roxanne J. Persaud’s support demonstrates the act of exemplary public servants and champions of a just cause,” the LRT announced in an email to members. “They are models for what public service should be about (helping working people) – and we thank them for it!”

The TLC said the requirement will be eliminated by August.

Source: Livery Roundtable

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