The NYC Taxi & Limousine Commission has announced the following:

Consistent with the Mayor’s Emergency Executive Order No. 119, all For-Hire Vehicle services will again be suspended from 8:00pm to 12:30am daily, tonight (June 3) through June 8.

FHV’s may resume service beginning at 12:30am daily between June 4 and June 8, to assist essential workers coming and going to work or individuals seeking medical treatment/supplies in the overnight hours.

Yellow and Green Taxis may operate throughout the 8:00pm to 5:00am curfew period but must be transporting an essential worker or individuals seeking medical treatment/supplies.

Passengers travelling between 8:00pm and 5:00am June 3-8 may be required to provide a valid reason for their travel to NYPD.

Article by Black Car News

Black Car News provides breaking news, editorial, and information to drivers, owners, and other key players in the New York City for-hire vehicle industry.

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