The mysterious death of a 25-year-old social worker from Brooklyn has his friends and family demanding answers. On April 20, Julio Ramirez was enjoying a night of bar hopping in Hell’s Kitchen. Hours later – at 3:45am – he was found unconscious in a taxi on the Lower East Side, without his cellphone and wallet, police say. He was later pronounced dead at an area hospital.

More than a month after the tragedy, friends and family members of Ramirez say there remains too many unanswered questions surrounding his death. Surveillance video shows Ramirez stepping into a cab with three unidentified men, raising concerns he was targeted and drugged. Carlos Ramirez said he searched his brother’s laptop for clues and found his bank accounts had been wiped out – $20,000 gone. He said he’s convinced the killer (or killers) wanted his money and used his phone to steal most of it.

“They changed the passcode on him and they went to town… big fancy dinners and spas. Transferring thousands of dollars here, thousands of dollars there,” Carlos Ramirez told NBC New York.

Source: NBC New York

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