In a world plagued by rampant mental illness, a lack of affordable access to nutritious food and the very real dangers of a sedentary lifestyle, “self-care” is about more than just taking care of yourself. Allowing your physical and mental health to deteriorate affects your loved ones and society at large – whether it’s from the daily stresses of driving in New York City or external factors, like rising political hostilities, war or racism and antisemitism. I’ve said it many times in the past, but it bears repeating: The drivers in our industry play a profoundly important role keeping our nation’s most populous city moving and guiding visitors from around the world, and they deserve care, respect and some financial security.

Fortunately, I’m not the only one to notice. It took a lot to wake up city officials, but the Taxi & Limousine Commission (TLC) has come a long way in recent years, and joined forces with organizations like The Black Car Fund (BCF) and advocacy groups representing the various segments of the industry to provide convenient access to a long list of benefits that not only can save lives but can protect drivers and their loved ones in the event of a tragedy.

At a recent Steering Toward Success Resource Fair, hosted by the BCF on April 29 at their Driver Education Center (37-10 Skillman Ave, Queens, NY 11101), drivers had on-the-spot access to some essential resources, including:

  • TLC officials, who fielded questions about everything from licensing and regulatory requirements to the many resources the agency provides to its licensees. TLC Chair David Do even dropped by to show his support.
  • Memorial Sloan Kettering medical professionals, who performed free blood pressure and healthcare checks for cholesterol and glucose levels, to determine if someone is in the diabetic or pre diabetic range.
  • Black Car Fund representatives, who answered questions and signed up drivers for the long list of free healthcare and educational benefits they provide, in addition to workers’ compensation. Experts from a variety of departments were on hand to answer questions about the BCF’s Earn While You Learn opportunities, claim filing, ongoing claims, and auditing, in case a member base had questions.

More than 200 people RSVP’d for the BCF’s Steering Toward Success Resource Fair, but the Independent Drivers Guild (IDG) – whose offices are located around the corner from the Driver Education Center – brought over dozens of additional drivers. Partnering with the BCF, the IDG operates a mental wellness program for its members.

In a recent email, the IDG also reminded members, “Fellow drivers, did you know that eligible drivers who enroll in Drivers Benefits for free could help protect their income if they get hurt or sick and can’t work? We’ve fought hard (and won!) for you to have better pay, so we recommend that you take advantage of the no-cost income protection offered to you through Drivers Benefits.”

The email also including details about signing up at for the many benefits the BCF offers, including:

  • Accident Disability Insurance, which provides income protection to eligible, enrolled drivers, of up to $1,500 per month for up to one year, if they are injured and become disabled due to a covered accidental injury outside of work —whether it occurs at home, at play, or even in-between fares.
  • $100K Accidental Death Benefit that provides loved ones with financial security in the event an eligible, enrolled driver were to pass away in a covered non-work-related accident.
  • Personal Accident Insurance that delivers direct lump-sum payments, ranging from $50 to $40,000, to eligible, enrolled drivers in the event of a range of serious, covered injuries.

Although an important benchmark was reached in April: 50,000 drivers have now enrolled in the BCF benefits program, half of the eligible drivers in the for-hire vehicle (FHV) industry still have not signed up. The stresses of living in 2024 are a lot to deal with as the searing heat of summer is just getting underway – but as TLC’s Chair David Do mentioned in his column this month, “You are not alone.” Self-care is essential for remaining alert and healthy, not just to avoid accidents, but to FEEL BETTER… something the city’s drivers richly deserve. Summer can be an amazing time, but it does bring risks. Please take care of yourself, and take advantage of what’s available to you at no cost.

Article by Neil Weiss

Neil Weiss is the Editor/Publisher/Owner of Black Car News and Livery Times. He has been involved in the ground transportation industry since 1991, writing thousands of articles on a wide variety of subjects.

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