A&Y Insurance in Brooklyn introduced a new app in November that streamlines the process of purchasing auto insurance. New York City TLC-licensed drivers can get quotes and purchase insurance directly through the app, saving a significant amount of time and money.

Drivers can download the free app – named A&Y Royal Insurance – in the Apple App Store or Google Play. Once the app is downloaded, you just need to scan the back of your TLC license and vehicle registration, and enter your phone number. License and registration info can also be entered manually, but scanning the cards populates the appropriate fields and saves drivers a lot of time, according to A&Y president, Julian Brinzenskiy.

“With renewal season rapidly approaching, drivers want to save as much as they can and spend as little time as possible trying to get the best possible rates,” explains A&Y president, Julian Brinzenskiy. “Our app allows them to do this wherever they are, whenever it’s convenient for them. After your information is entered, you get a quote right then and there, and when you purchase insurance, your policy documents are delivered right to your phone or tablet.”

For more information, visit www.ayroyal.comor call 718-375-9000.