38584503 – woman tying shoelaces at gym
Business travel can be incredibly taxing, with a tremendous amount of responsibilities crammed into just a few days, depending on the nature of the trip. The following tips can help business travelers stay healthier, feel more energized and therefore accomplish more.
Eat healthy. Eating out in general is often not particularly healthy, and this can be made worse by the destination city itself and a hotel’s proximity to healthy choices.
Hitting the hotel gym can be a great way to offset this and give you more energy, but it doesn’t always work out.
Instead of snacking on junk food, try to make a point to eat healthy whenever possible, especially for breakfast or lunch, which may be easier to control. It’s also important to make sure you eat enough. Don’t skip meals, your body needs fuel.
Exercise. If you have a good workout regimen, don’t throw it out the window when you’re on the road for work – especially if you ignore the first tip and indulge in unhealthy food. Working up a sweat before work can help give you energy throughout the day, which is helpful when you’re doing a presentation or forming new connections.
Check to see if your hotel has a gym. If it doesn’t, see if there’s one nearby you can use for a day or two. If the gym isn’t your thing, consider planning a running route near some landmarks of the city.
Sleep. If you need eight hours of sleep for a normal work day, you’re going to need the same for what will likely be busier and more hectic schedule than normal. Sure, you’re in a new city and you’ll want to explore when your work obligations are fulfilled but try to pay attention to the time and get to bed at a reasonable hour.
You’re representing your company, so don’t pull an all-nighter and expect to have the most energy the next day.
Stay connected to home. This may sound easy – with texting, social media, FaceTime, etc. – but time slips by quickly when you’re rushing around, experiencing new things. You might check your watch and remember you haven’t spoken to your spouse, children or best friend all day.
Make some time to give them a call and tell them about all of the cool things you’re eating and drinking. It can be easy to shut out home while you’re on the road but staying connected to loved ones will give you a sense of normalcy and bring you back to earth.
Source: Commercial Integrator